School Performance
How will we improve further?
School Improvement and Development Plan (2024/25) SIDP 24-25
Termly Action Plan (Jan’25-Mar’25) TAP Spring 25
Completed Autumn Term Actions (Sep’24-Dec’24) TAP Autumn 24
Completed Spring Term Actions (Jan’24-Mar’24) TAP Spring 2024
Completed Autumn Term Actions (Sept’23-Dec’23) TAP Autumn 23
Completed Summer Term Actions (Apr’23-Jul’23) TAP Summer 23
Completed Spring Term Actions (Jan’23- Mar’23) TAP Spring 2023
Completed Autumn Term Actions (Sept’22-Dec’22) TAP Autumn 2022
Completed Summer Term Actions (Apr’22-July’22) TAP Summer 2022
Completed Spring Term Actions (Jan’22- Apr’22) TAP Spring 2022
Completed Autumn Term Actions (Sept’21- Dec’21) TAP Autumn 2021fin
Completed Spring/Summer Term Actions Plan (Jan’21-July’21)-TAP Spring&Summer 2021
Completed Spring Term Actions (Jan’20-Mar’20)-TAP Spr20 fin
Completed Autumn Term Actions (Sep’19-Dec’19)-TAP Aut19fin
Completed Summer Term Actions (Apr’19-Jul’19)- TAP Sum19fin
Completed Spring Term Actions (Jan’19-Mar’19) TAP Spr19fin
Completed Autumn Term Actions (Sept’18-Dec’18) TAP Aut19fin
Completed Summer Term Actions (Apr’18-Jul’18) TAP Sum18fin
Completed Spring Term Actions (Jan’18-Mar’18) TAP Spr18fin
Completed Autumn Term Actions (Sept’17-Dec ’17) TAP Aut17fin
Completed Summer Term Actions (Apr-July’17) TAP Sum17finished
Completed Spring Term Actions (Jan-Mar’17) TAP Spr17fin
Completed Autumn Term Actions (Sept-Dec’16)TAP Aut16
Completed Summer Term Actions (Apr-July’16) TAP-Sum16
School Improvement and Development Plan (2023/24) SIDP 23-24
School Improvement and Development Plan 2022/23-SIDP 202223
School Improvement and Development Plan 2020/22 SIDP202022
School Improvement and Development Plan 2019/20 SIDP201920
School Improvement and Development Plan 2018/19 SIDP201819
School Improvement and Development Plan 2017/18 SIDP1718fin
School Improvement and Development Plan 2016/17 SIDP1617
School Improvement and Development Plan 2015/16 SIDP1516Updated 2
How well are we doing?
2024 KS2 SATS results
- the expected standard or above in reading, writing and maths (combined): 76%
- average progress: unavailable nationally due to Covid-19 disruption in 2020
- an average ‘scaled score’ in each of reading: 107 , GPS 110, and maths: 105
- a high level of attainment in reading, writing and maths (combined): 12%
2023 KS2 SATS results
- the expected standard or above in reading, writing and maths (combined): 71%
- average progress in each of reading: +4.0; writing: -2.1 and maths: +2.9
- an average ‘scaled score’ in each of reading: 110 , GPS 108, and maths: 108
- a high level of attainment in reading, writing and maths (combined): 0%
2021 KS2 SATS FFT estimated results
- the expected standard or above in reading, writing and maths (combined): 73%
- average progress in each of reading: +4.5; writing: +4.4 and maths: +4.4
- an average ‘scaled score’ in each of reading: 109 , GPS 111, and maths: 108
- a high level of attainment in reading, writing and maths (combined): 19%
2020 KS2 SATS FFT estimated results
- the expected standard or above in reading, writing and maths (combined): 81%
- average progress in each of reading: +2.8; writing: +1.3 and maths: +2.1
- an average ‘scaled score’ in each of reading: 109 , GPS 109, and maths: 108
- a high level of attainment in reading, writing and maths (combined): 19%
2019 KS2 SATS results
- the expected standard or above in reading, writing and maths (combined): 94%
- average progress in each of reading: +3.4; writing: +4.2 and maths: +2.3
- an average ‘scaled score’ in each of reading: 108 , GPS 109, and maths: 107
- a high level of attainment in reading, writing and maths (combined): 18%
2018 KS2 SATS results
- the expected standard or above in reading, writing and maths (combined): 100%
- average progress in each of reading: +1.9; writing: +0.7 and maths: +1.2
- an average ‘scaled score’ in each of reading: 109 , GPS 111, and maths: 108
- a high level of attainment in reading, writing and maths (combined): 10%
2017 KS2 SATS results
- the expected standard or above in reading, writing and maths (combined): 91%
- average progress in each of reading: +4.1; writing: +4.2 and maths: +0.6
- an average ‘scaled score’ in each of reading: 109 and maths: 106
- a high level of attainment in reading, writing and maths (combined): 17%
2016 KS2 SATS results
- the expected standard or above in reading, writing and maths (combined): 78%
- average progress in each of reading: +4.8; writing: +5.5 and maths: +4.2
- an average ‘scaled score’ in each of reading: 107 and maths: 107
- a high level of attainment in reading, writing and maths (combined):33%
2015 KS2 SATS results
* These results include those of 15% of the cohort (3 children) who joined the school from elsewhere, during the last few months of the Key Stage.
% achieving level 4 or above in reading, writing and maths: 75%
% making expected progress in reading: 100%
% making expected progress in writing: 90%
% making expected progress in maths: 95%
% achieving level 5 or above in reading: 45%
% achieving level 5 or above in writing: 25%
% achieving level 5 or above in maths: 30%
2014 KS2 SATS results
% achieving level 4 or above in reading, writing and maths: 86%
% making expected progress in reading: 100%
% making expected progress in writing: 100%
% making expected progress in maths: 100%
% achieving level 5 or above in reading: 71%
% achieving level 5 or above in writing: 43%
% achieving level 5 or above in maths: 71%