In the Autumn Term, Eagle Owls had a fantastic stargazing evening. In Science, we had been studying Earth and space: finding out about our solar system (and building a range of models to help us understand the size); discovering why we have night and day; how and why the phases of the moon happen; and understanding time zones. As part of this, we wanted to view and find more about the stars so we planned a special evening to do just that! We wrote letters to our parents in English lessons to persuade them to bring us along to the evening, and just in case that didn’t work, we used ICT to create a persuasive information leaflet about the evening. On the evening itself, we found out about stars and what they are made from; we viewed them using telescopes, and identified the constellations using an app; we made star jars and moon phases wheels; and listened to stories of the stars in the planetarium. Finally, we all enjoyed a hot chocolate and biscuit! After the event, we created some colourful recounts of the evening so we would remember it.