Pupil Premium

This Strategy is reviewed with the Governor responsible for ‘Disadvantaged Children’ at the end of each academic year. 

Eligible pupils at the school face a range of different barriers to educational achievement. These vary widely in individual cases but can include: lack of access to educational resources, lack of access to cultural opportunities, lack of suitable equipment, broken family structures, low parental engagement, trauma, housing issues, diet and special educational needs and disabilities.

Pupil Premium Funding 2022-25 (Three Year Plan)

Overview for Parents:


Grant received:

2022/23 £23,185

2023/24 £24,434

2024/25 £19,747


  • September ‘2024: 13 PP children (11.1 % of school population).

Audit of needs & pupil voice:




Tracking of impact:


To shape spending priorities we:

  • Carry out an audit of the individual needs of the children by all staff.
  • Identify individual barriers to progress for each child and use these to design extra provision.
  • Conduct a pupil voice questionnaire
  • Use documents such as the Sutton Trust Education Endowment Foundation Toolkit for schools as part of the analysis, as well as looking at how other schools were using this grant.
  • Closely track the academic results of children at regular periods

To measure impact we use a regular termly analysis. This includes:

  • % of disadvantaged children on track to make and/or exceed expected progress at each Key Stage.
  • Tracking of behaviour and attitudes to learning for all PP children through the Learning Mentor
  • Termly Pupil Progress Meetings include specific discussion of PP children
  • Monthly analysis of attendance and punctuality data by Headteacher
Staffing provision: The funding is spent on a combination of staffing, resources and interventions eg

  • Additional HLTA employed (full time) with specific responsibility for working with PP children across all classrooms.
  • Additional TA hours provided for ‘learning mentor’ role with PP children
  • Additional TA hours for support with groups in classrooms
  • External Speech & Language support
Interventions & Resources:
  • Pupil Premium children have benefited from:Wave 3 Maths, Catch up Numeracy Booster 1:1 Maths groups Booster 1:1 Reading groups Pupil Premium Mentor Homework club ‘ Counselling 1:1 Thrive
  • Cultural visits (driven by identified PP need but involving larger groups)
  • Talk Boost, 1st Number, ICT based resources eg Nessy
  • Kindles
  • Bespoke interventions appropriate to identified needs.
  • Subsidised places at after school clubs and on educational visits and equipment
  • Additional swimming sessions
  • Speech and Language Interventions
  • Investment in Staff training

Pupil Premium Outcomes


Pupil Premium archive outcomes