Relationships & Health Education

Coverage, Skills & Rationale:

Subject Narrative: Skills Progression Subject Rationale
Subject Narrative Disciplinary Knowledge & Skills Subject Rationale

Key Knowledge: (Bruner’s Spiral Curriculum)

Key Stage 1 Lower Key Stage 2
Upper Key Stage 2 Upper Key Stage 2

RHE in Early Years



Relationships and Health Education in this school aims to draw together a range of content connected by the theme of being safe and is also now directly informed by the statutory content requirements introduced from September 2020.

Our curriculum is built on the Twinkl PSHE and Citizenship scheme and resources, supplemented by Norfolk County Council advised RSE curriculum.

Examples of the additional topics covered include e-safety, road safety, drugs and medicines education.

This is further reinforced by our programme of Assembly themes and our Behaviour Policy. We also have trained staff as ‘Mental Health First Aid’ and in Thrive counselling, to support individual children where needed.