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Coronavirus Catch-Up Premium

Coronavirus Catch-Up Premium 2020-22

Little Melton Primary will receive £80 for each pupil in school over the remainder of this financial year. We will also augment this with substantial money from our main school budget as part of a longer term intervention lasting until at least July 2022.

How is it intended that the grant will be spent?

The grant will be spent on:

  • After school booster groups in years 5 and 6.
  • Additional small group teaching in years 3 and 4.
  • Release time for teacher in year 1 and 2 to lead small booster groups.
  • Release time for teacher in EYFS and year 1 to lead small booster groups.
  • Fortnightly morning visits by peripatetic speech and language therapist to work with children across the school.

How will the effect of this expenditure on the educational attainment of those pupils at the school be assessed?

The impact will be assessed by a combination of progress measured by the whole school termly assessment process, and additionally against individual milestones and targets for children on the SEND register.