WB 28 11 2022

Eagle Owls also enjoyed another active living history day – with their Viking day to end this part of their history topic. They came in some amazing outfits and home made shields and weapons – thank you to the parents who supported our history days! We made Viking food from viking recipes – Rye Bread, Soda Bread, Cheese and Leek pie and blueberry batter pudding.

Then the children met their Viking visitor who read from a Viking poem, telling of the creation of Viking society. We had our very own God – Rig – who visited many different Viking houses and 9 moons later a new baby arrived to start the classes – Jarls, Karls and Thralls. They had most unusual names!

They were also able to handle Viking materials such as cloth, trade materials and weapons. Those who wanted to could try some non- alcoholic mead from a horn!  It was a great day!