WB 06 02 2023

Can you believe we are halfway through the year already! We ended this half term with a lovely Day of Calm run by our School Sports Partnership, Suzy. She taught different techniques that will help our pupils with wellbeing and good mental health. They ranged from free drawing to different musical tracks, breathing techniques, Tai Chi and slow careful movements to focus the mind away from worries, listening very carefully to a sound until it can’t be heard any longer and laying still with concentration on our surroundings and own breathing. We value skills for life and hope that our pupils can take something away from their session today, that may help them to find a calm inner peace and to support in times of anxiety.

WB 30 01 2023

Snowy Owls visited Pensthorpe as a scientific enrichment day, studying birds and mini beasts as well as habitats and pond-dipping. A great day was had by all.

They were also allowed to go on the enormous play apparatus, including a huge slide!

WB 23 01 2023

The Snowy Owls have enjoyed further exploration of ice this week during Science. The children added salt to an ice bowl and observed how it melted the ice. They added paint to watch where the salt melted the ice first – great fun!

WB 16 01 2023

Snowy Owls had a lovely week, including a visit to Pensthorpe Natural Park, which we will post about next week! They  have been exploring warm and cool colours in art. They have looked at Monet’s Snow Scene and created their own versions.

WB 09 01 2023

Snowy Owls have been investigating ice this week in science. We put ice cubes in different places around school and timed them to see which ice cube melted the fastest!

Year 2 tried out their maths skills by taking turns at being a customer or shopkeeper. The customers were great at selecting the correct coins to pay with and those eagle-eyed shopkeepers checked the money carefully!

WB 28 11 2022

Snowy Owls had a  royal visitor as part of their history topic looking at kings and queens. Queen Victoria was very impressed  and the children had a lovely day.

Sugar mice have been a tradition at Christmas since Victorian times. they often used to be made by Victorian children as a gift for their parents and were hung on the Christmas tree. The Snowy Owls certainly enjoyed having a go at making them.

WB 21 11 2022

The whole school collaborated for a Church art project making lanterns. It was a lovely afternoon.

Snowy Owls continue with their design technology lessons by adding a movable wheel to their Little Red Riding Hood pictures. they carefully drew a big bad wolf on the wheels.

The Year 2 pupils were able to go to their first sporting event away from school, at Easton College, where they participated in a multi skills festival with other Year 2 pupils from across our  cluster.





WB 14 11 2022

In Snowy Owls, the children are really enjoying reading alternative versions of fairy tales in preparation for writing  their own version of Little Red Riding Hood. They have started reading Little Red Riding Hood this week, and have been sequencing the events of the story.

WB 07 11 2022

Snowy Owls created pictures of a woodland habitat and labelled them to show what you might find in a wood.

They have been making movable pictures for design technology by adding a slider to the story of The Gingerbread Man.