WB 02 05 2023

Pupils were excited about the upcoming King Charles III coronation and on Friday the whole school had a variety of activities around the event and then we all got together in the hall and celebrated with a cupcake and drink followed by some colouring.

WB 24 04 2023

Snowy Owls in art this week, explored different techniques they can use when creating sculptures from clay. They then created mini-beasts using these techniques linking to our class topic.

WB 17 04 2023

Welcome Back! We hope that you all had a lovely Easter break and are ready for the summer term!

Year 1 have been weighing different items in maths this week. They enjoyed discussing which would be heavier and lighter and making the scales equal weights.

Snowy Owls have been looking at what makes the British Isles a great place to live and made some celebration bunting in PSHE.

WB 27 03 2023

Spring Term is now complete! Well done everyone.

Snowy Owls continued to develop their skills in observational drawing in art by producing some really effective paintings of spring flowers in vases.

They also made Easter cards and coloured them in to finish the term.

WB 20 03 2023

In Snowy Owls the children have been looking at how a quarter is represented using different manipulatives.

Year 1 have been applying their measuring skills to complete lots of Jack and the Beanstalk measuring activities this week.

They have also been researching photosynthesis and have written a report on what they have found.

In art the pupils have been looking at Vincent Van Gogh sunflowers. We added PVA glue to our paint to create a thick texture like Van Gogh’s paintings.

WB 13 03 2023

Year 1 have started their new unit of work on measure in maths. We compared the length of objects in class and outside.

Snowy class have been learning about shading and shadow in art this week.

WB 06 03 2023

This week the whole school dressed up for Crazy Clothes Day ( a fund-raising initiative for the local Little Lifts  identified by Verity in Year 5) on Friday – please see the Newsletter for a link with more information.

In Snowy Owls Reverend McClean visited the children to explain how Holy Communion links to the Easter story. The they created a picture of the church alter and all the objects needed for Holy Communion.

In maths Year 1 were comparing and ordering numbers to 50 with a range of resources to support learning.

In Year 2 pupils are looking at measuring and they used ml this week to correctly mix the right amounts to make fruity cocktails! They were then able to try them!


WB 27 02 2023

We always enjoy World Book Day and this year was no different. Snowy Owls join with Barn Owls and snuggle together reading a selection of books in their great outfits! Pupils and parents are fantastic at producing the most amazing costumes and vegetable characters! Well done and thank you!

WB 20 02 2023

The Snowy Owls have started their new topic this week: ‘ How does your garden grow?’. We have started reading Jack and the Beanstalk.