WB 10 07 2023

Our penultimate week before the summer hols had the Owlets go on a visit to Banham Zoo, Snowy have a beach-classroom day; Barn had pop-corn as part of a celebration and Eagle are script ready for the Leavers performance.

Snowy Owls learning about Punch and Judy as part of their history topic. We made swazzles.

WB 03 07 2023

This week Snowy Owls made some sandwiches for Mr Grinning the lighthouse keeper. He wanted a healthy sandwich to eat while he was at work. We practised first and then had a go with our choice of filling. We also taste tested them!

WB 26 06 2023

The Year 1 pupils were busy this week with more practical maths. they have been working with numbers up to 100. Pupils created giant number lines then explored partitioning tens and ones.

WB 19 06 2023

It has been National Sports Week this week and as a physically active school we have made extra effort to make sure that we continue to include lessons in the whole curriculum that get the children up and about! Here we have Year 1 finding quarters of amounts outside and the Year 2’s working out how long a minute is by doing tasks that they had to stop at exactly a minute in! They were also completing investigative science using shadows.


WB 12 06 2023

In Snowy Owls we explored what it was like at the seaside in the past in  history this week, looking at old photos and recreating them.

WB 05 06 2023

Welcome back! Hope you all had a lovely half term break. We have had a great first week back with our shole school enjoying Sports Day. KS1 in the morning, KS2 in the afternoon and a family picnic in between for those lucky enough to have time to make it! Thank you all for your support.

WB 22 05 2023

The first half of the summer term is done! We got to enjoy a range of activities this week, many of them learning outside the classroom. Have a lovely half term break everyone!

Snowy Owls had a great time at a beautiful local garden. We took part in geography fieldwork, art observational sketches and science investigations.

WB 15 05 2023

In Snowy Owls this week we have been looking at the lifecycle of a butterfly and used pasta to create our stages!

WB 09 05 2023

Year 1 have been learning about equal and unequal groups this week. We have enjoyed using PE equipment to explore this and build arrays. The whole class are also enjoying music this term. They have been working hard rehearsing our Friendship song, taking it in turns to sing or play the glockenspiel. We enjoy adding actions to help us remember the words.