WB 11 03 2024
Snowy Owls made pizzas this week after drawing their pizza designs and thinking about the ingredients they would need. They have also been thinking about instructional writing and a balanced diet.
Snowy Owls made pizzas this week after drawing their pizza designs and thinking about the ingredients they would need. They have also been thinking about instructional writing and a balanced diet.
Well what a great week! Our OUTSTANDING in all areas OFSTED report published, and our lovely pupils all enjoying World Book Day. Thank you so much for the wonderful outfits and fruit and veg characters! Once again they were excellent 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 we hope they all enjoy their WBD books that they took home.
We hope everyone enjoyed the half term break. First week back led to lots of different activities at school.
Snowy Owls played a game to learn imperative or ‘bossy’ verbs. They also practiced using them with instructions on making a jam sandwich.
A BIG thank you to our parents for completing the OFTSED questionnaire – yes we had a visit this week! From Owlets to Eagle the pupils were fab and conducted themselves brilliantly as the Inspectors viewed our school. Well done to all, now we wait for our results🤞🏼😊
Snowy Owls have been writing, thinking about nouns and verbs. They also completed their art work and had a geography day, they can now recognise the Scottish and Welsh flags.
As we head towards the end of this half term, we finished with a non-uniform Express Yourself day.
Snowy Owls enjoyed Express Yourself day. Children thought about what was special / important to them. The centre of the swirl shows things that are important daily / at home, gradually spreading out to include important things in the wider world.
Over the past few weeks in art they have been studying colour and learning about warm/cool, pale/bright, dark/light colours and colour mixing. On Friday they looked at the work of Wassily Kandinsky and had a go at creating their own version of one of his pieces of artwork.
Snowy Owls have enjoyed another Science Day this week! They wrote and filmed their own weather forecasts.
For Science Day this week they have put their homemade rain gauges outside and are keeping a close eye on them at playtimes and lunchtimes. It just didn’t rain much this week for a change!!
In art, Snowy have been exploring colour mixing using watercolours.
Snowy Owls – measuring the temperature outside in science with thermometers. Playing the Glockenspiels in music.
The new year has begun with many different activities going on around the school.
Snowy Owls have been exploring warm and cool colours. They have decorated the initial of their first name using contrasting colours, and later in the week explored watercolour paints for the first time.