Little Melton Primary School Email: Home page


15 04 2024

Welcome back everyone! Hope you all had a lovely Easter break – especially the Eagle Owls who deserved a well earned rest after their week away.
There was no rest in the first week back though: Eagle Owls performed on stage in front of an audience of about 300 and were fabulous 🩷 when they went to the SUPERSTARS Dance Show.

15 04 2024

Welcome back everyone! Hope you all had a lovely Easter break.
The Barn Owls are very lucky to be having whole class music lessons with an external music teacher. This week they all started playing the ukulele. Barn Owls learnt about the War of the Roses as an introduction to their new topic about the Tudors. They then made Tudor Roses.

The Barn Owls had an Easter Challenge to design a road trip around North or South America. The The Barn Owls had a The posters they made are amazing (and very large!!!).


15 04 2024

Welcome back everyone! Hope you all had a lovely Easter break.
Snowy Owls have started our new topic Blue Planet. We’ve been reading The Snail & the Whale and looking at sequencing & the settings within the story.

WB 15 04 2024

Welcome back everyone! Hope you all had a lovely Easter break.
In phonics, Owlets have been writing sentences and learning new tricky words!

In mathematics, Owlets have been looking at teen numbers and place value.

WB 18 03 2024

As we head towards Easter, the oldest children are going away for a 4 day residential next week! Wish them luck and sunny days ☀️☀️ Here are some of the things we’ve been doing from around school this week.
Eagle have been developing their water colour skills and are creating their own Animalium pictures. They are working so hard and producing some spectacular results.

WB 18 03 2024

As we head towards Easter, the oldest children are going away for a 4 day residential next week! Wish them luck and sunny days ☀️☀️ Here are some of the things we’ve been doing from around school this week.
The Barn Owls have completed their ‘Science at Home’ challenge. This involved making their own musical instruments that could demonstrate pitch and amplitude. Here are some of their instruments.

Miss Gardiner, our PGCE student, led a sequence of English lessons about how to write expedition diaries. The Barn Owls were inspired by Simon Chapman’s expedition diaries and then wrote their own.

WB 18 03 2024

As we head towards Easter, the oldest children are going away for a 4 day residential next week! Wish them luck and sunny days ☀️☀️ Here are some of the things we’ve been doing from around school this week.
In Snowy Owls the children are learning about a healthy diet and the 5 food groups that are important to keep us healthy.

WB 18 03 2024

As we head towards Easter, the oldest children are going away for a 4 day residential next week! Wish them luck and sunny days ☀️☀️ Here are some of the things we’ve been doing from around school this week.
Owlets continue to develop their hand eye coordination in PE, aiming for different targets.

Owlets enjoy imaginative play in the outside area.

WB 11 03 2024

What are they? 🤣 Eagle Owls are looking at ’real’ maps of the country, and learning about 6 figure grid references. They have been told about Sat Nav and What 3 Words, but this is what you use when there is no signal!! Or your battery has died…! They may even go on to do the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme at High Schools.