Water Colour Art

Eagle Owls have had a visit from Mr Kagimu, a very talented parent artist, who shared with them examples of his work inspiring them to create detailed work of their own for their book called Animalium. We are sure you will agree we already have many budding artists emerging!

Eagle Owls have also been researching Indonesia as their class reader Running Wild is set there. This ties in well with our geography topic where pupils are researching the world’s Biomes and the rainforest is an essential one!

How does sound travel?

Barn Owls have been investigating how sound travels and were able to get a visual representation using a tuning fork and water. The sound waves could easily be seen – they made quite a splash!

Down on the farm

Pupils from Owlets were busy learning all about the farm this week. They discussed what different farm animals give us and  they sang along to Old MacDonald Had a Farm with percussion instruments and even had a go on the new Glockenspiels!

They made their very own sheep and then tried estimation and weighing using the scales for some of the maths this week.

Fossils and Worry Dolls…

In Science this week Eagle Owls used  close observation skills whilst looking at real fossils from the Teacher Science Network project boxes with magnifying glasses.


They also explored ways to ease anxiety and made Guatemalan Worry Dolls – according to legend, Guatemalan children tell their worries to the Worry Dolls, placing them under their pillow when they go to bed at night. The dolls  take the worries from the children so they can sleep easy. We made them from pipe cleaners and decorated them with woollen clothes!

Around the World in 80 Days

Barn Owls have started their exciting topic Around the World in 80 Days. They looked at maps of the world and planned their own routes around the world.


We made passports and thought about what we would need in our suitcases, using Phileas Fogg’s adventures from the Jules Verne novel.


On the Farm!

We went outside to explore the frost and ice one cold morning this week. We did some writing in the frost and explored the textures and used different words to describe e.g. slippery, sparkly, spiky, crunchy. We also all chose a frozen leaf and then brought it inside to see what would happen over time.

We did some weighing in our role play farm shop, and drew a map of our school on the blackboard.

We are practicing our pencil control with neat colouring and handwriting linked to our farm topic.


Owlets this week

This week we have started our Down on the Farm topic. We’ve been identifying which animals live on the farm and doing some classifying.


Lots of the children have also shown an interest in maps and been building their own small worlds with representations of key geographical features.

Pharaoh for the day!

We have completed some Cartouches  (an Egyptian burial plate which is shaped like an oval that is dedicated to an important deceased person, such as a Pharaoh) and became Pharaoh for the day!

End of Unit work

Eagle Owls have completed their history topic on changes that happened in the Twentieth Century. They worked in mixed age group pairs to compile a set of slides (Google Drive) that have a range of features and animations. Some had links to videos and musical clips. We have all enjoyed sharing these projects and the children enjoyed doing their research and using the technology. Well done Eagle Owls. Here are a few of their slides…