This week Owlets have been naming and creating patterns with 2D shapes.
Well it’s been a long half term, but we made it! Lots of autumnal activities going on this week, including pumpkins of course! Have a great half term break 🎃
In Eagle Owls autumnal fruits were used to make mincemeat. They will use this later in the year!
And Eagle Owls said goodbye to Mrs Awbery after nearly 12 years with us! Happy Retirement!
Well it’s been a long half term, but we made it! Lots of autumnal activities going on this week, including pumpkins of course! Have a great half term break 🎃
In RE the Barn Owls made lamps to celebrate Hindu festivals of light.
This week the Barn Owls learnt about muscles and they made a model to show how muscles work.
Well it’s been a long half term, but we made it! Lots of autumnal activities going on this week, including pumpkins of course! Have a great half term break 🎃
More autumnal art work in Snowy owls with some pumpkin printing!
In RE he Barn Owls have made Mandir decorations for Hindu shrines.
The Barn Owls have been thinking more about their growth mindsets. They created spiders to remind them to persevere and to problem solve.