Design T-Shirts

Eagle Owls have been busy designing T-Shirts that depict a Norfolk coastal scene, they had a white t-shirt to start with and then researched what they would like the end product to look like – including sea creatures, flora and fauna. The end products are lovely – and they get to take them home! Well done.

Gressenhall Trip and Ukulele Club

Barn Owls had an excellent trip to Gressenhall this week. Their costumes and outfits were amazing and the efforts that their families had gone to included bringing packed lunches wrapped in paper and cloth – so authentic! Well done to all and thank you – they looked amazing!

Barn Owls also make up our Ukulele Club that is on a Tuesday in the Library – and they performed in front of  the school and some of their parents – well done! It was very impressive!

Mi tio tiene una granja – Owlets perform a song in Spanish for our assembly!

Owlets delighted us all with their language skills on Friday with a fabulous Spanish rendition of ‘My Uncle has a Farm’ …… and in front of not only the whole school, but also with parents in the audience – wow – well done! Here they are with their animal masks – why not take a look at the song on YouTube and sing along with them!

French Cafe

We held a very successful French Cafe in the hall, where children were serving each other and ordering in French, alongside those parents who were able to join us. There were French activities to do in classroom – using pointillism to create an Eiffel Tower as well as the older children looking at Asterix the cartoon character.  It was a lovey morning – thank you to Mrs Hamilton for arranging and to Eagle and Barn for being so good at the language.

French Cafe

We held a very successful French Cafe in the hall, where children were serving each other and ordering in French, alongside those parents who were able to join us. There were French activities to do in classroom – using pointillism to create an Eiffel Tower as well as the older children looking at Asterix the cartoon character.  It was a lovey morning – thank you to Mrs Hamilton for arranging and to Eagle and Barn for being so good at the language.

French Cafe

We held a very successful French Cafe in the hall, where children were serving each other and ordering in French, alongside those parents who were able to join us. There were French activities to do in classroom – using pointillism to create an Eiffel Tower as well as the older children looking at Asterix the cartoon character.  It was a lovey morning – thank you to Mrs Hamilton for arranging and to Eagle and Barn for being so good at the language.

Brilliant Bake Off!

What an amazing, talented class we have! Eagle Owls got together and entered 20 groups to the class Bake Off competition. They made a wide range of dishes, from starters to mains to desserts and cakes. It was fantastic! We had 2 School Governors and our Miss Ross do the judging – so they had no previous knowledge of our children and gave the groups marks out of 10 for taste, presentation and skill level. It was all very professional – we want to say a special well done to Mrs Awbery and Mrs Graves who organised the whole thing and didn’t sit down all day!! Well done to the whole class – what life skills they are learning with us! Here are some pictures of this excellent day.

…….and our amazing 2022 WINNERS

Topic work pages

Barn Owls did some performance poetry in front of Snowy Owls just before we broke up for half term – here are some photos!

They also produced some Topic pages in their books, from last term on the Tudors as well as their new topics on Queen Victoria and Living things and their Habitats.

At the seaside!

Owlets showed their increasing fine motor skills by cutting out some feet to dip into a lovely blue sea this week! They also continued to develop maths understanding using the = symbol