WB 31 10 2022

Welcome Back! On Friday Barn Owls participated in the annual Cross Country Event at Earlham Park. We took the most pupils ever and this event seems to get more and popular every year! Thank you to those parents who were able to come and support – we were so lucky as the day before it didn’t stop raining! Thank you also to Mrs House and Mrs Graves for spending the day organising and supporting the children – they were more than ready for a cuppa and a sit down by the end of the day!

WB 17 10 2022

As we finish the last week of the half term, here are some photos of the Barn Owls week! Bob Bones had a new look in Barn this week!

Barn Owls also learnt about Diwali in their RE lessons on the Hindu religion. They made Mandalas for the festival of light.

Some pupils finished their Stone Age axe heads made by carving soap, for their Stone Age project.

WB 07 11 2022

This week Owlets have been discussing what Poppy Day is all about and have made some effective stained glass window poppies for their classroom.

They have also created their own firework pictures and practiced suitable vocabulary to go with them!

WB 31 10 2022

Welcome back! This week Owlets have been revising their Phase 2 sounds and writing CVC words.

WB 17 10 2022

We have completed the first half term – well done everyone! This week Owlets have been making repeating patterns and learning about parts of our bodies.


WB 07 11 2022

Snowy Owls created pictures of a woodland habitat and labelled them to show what you might find in a wood.

They have been making movable pictures for design technology by adding a slider to the story of The Gingerbread Man.

WB 31 10 2022

Welcome back! In art this week, Snowy Owls have been very busy creating fabulous Firework pictures ready for the weekend. They look so effective!

They have also completed their rooms and we now have a fabulous 3D Super House on display!

WB 17 10 2022

We have completed the first half term! Well done everyone. Snowy Owls have learnt about inventions of new materials in Science.

They have been creating their own rooms using 3D models for furniture and part of their Homes and Houses Topic.

WB 10 10 2022

Snowy Owls have been learning about warm and cool colours in art, and creating pictures in the style of Robert and Sonia Delauney.

Here are some completed so carefully