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WB 31 10 2022

Welcome back! In art this week, Snowy Owls have been very busy creating fabulous Firework pictures ready for the weekend. They look so effective!

They have also completed their rooms and we now have a fabulous 3D Super House on display!

WB 17 10 2022

We have completed the first half term! Well done everyone. Snowy Owls have learnt about inventions of new materials in Science.

They have been creating their own rooms using 3D models for furniture and part of their Homes and Houses Topic.

WB 10 10 2022

Snowy Owls have been learning about warm and cool colours in art, and creating pictures in the style of Robert and Sonia Delauney.

Here are some completed so carefully

WB 03 10 2022

We celebrated European Day of Languages across the school and in Snowy Owls they painted pebbles in different flags from across the world.

WB 19 09 2022

Snowy Owls have taken advantage of the good weather and the Year One’s have been practicing their counting skills and finding amounts of natural objects outside.

They have been developing their learning about primary colours and made collages in the style of Piet Mondrian.

WB 12 09 2022 SNOWY

Snowy Owls have come back for the new year and are learning about secondary colours and painting in the style of Mark Rothko.

WB 10 10 2022

Eagle Owls had a lot of fun on Friday with their living history day being Anglo Saxons. They cooked using Anglo Saxon recipes and tasted ‘purple’ carrots ; had a go at writing using RUNES – the alphabet used before we took on the Roman one and reduced our letters to 26; they created a 3D round house and learnt about Wattle and Daub. In the afternoon they were able to have a go at weaving to create a wall that is the wattle, and they used clay to mix with hay and other fibre to make the daub. We finished with a feast where the children tasted the food that they had made in the morning. The outfits that the children made were excellent and they enjoyed having a little use of the weapons in the mound!

Wattle and Daub


The feast, with our noble family table!

WB 10 10 2022

Barn Owls have completed their very effective Stone Henge paintings and they are on display in the classroom. You can see them if you are able to visit us on the open tray day on Wednesday 19th October!

They are into their Stone Age Topic and have had a go at Stone Age knapping (the shaping of flint with careful carving) – Barn Owls used soap to create their axe and arrow heads and very effective they are too!

WB 10 10 2022

This week Owlets have been continuing their learning about Harvest. We read the book ‘The Little Red Hen’ and made toast with jam! In maths we have been sorting objects into big and small. We also looked at the work of the famous artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo. owlets designed their own vegetable fruit portraits!