The Owlets finished their week in a fun way by all dressing up as penguins! Mrs Martins came into assembly dressed as a penguin and led the Owlets on a parade of the hall. It was Penguin Awareness Day.
In Music this term, Eagle Owls are using technology to create a Hip Hop sound track all of their own. We first learnt what Hip Hop is and then are gradually laying down tracks simultaneously so that they blend together to make a musical track that the pupils have created independently. They are all so individual and all equally good! Have a listen to some of their tracks below.
Last week in Barn Owls we set ourselves goals for the new year and we are flying high to meet them!
We have also finished the topic from last term about the Stone Age by creating our own cave art.
We then started thinking about our new topic for this term – all about NORWICH.
Finally in maths this week we have been doing the YouCubed Inspirational Week of Maths. We have had fun doing lots of different tasks where we have had to think out of the box and use our growth mindset. We created a double page spread to shoe our learning.
Snowy Owls have been investigating ice this week in science. We put ice cubes in different places around school and timed them to see which ice cube melted the fastest!
Year 2 tried out their maths skills by taking turns at being a customer or shopkeeper. The customers were great at selecting the correct coins to pay with and those eagle-eyed shopkeepers checked the money carefully!
Owlets new topic is Antarctica. We had to think of ways to rescue some polar animals that had become stuck in ice! We measured penguins to see how tall they were using cubes and practised writing our new words.
Eagle Owls also enjoyed another active living history day – with their Viking day to end this part of their history topic. They came in some amazing outfits and home made shields and weapons – thank you to the parents who supported our history days! We made Viking food from viking recipes – Rye Bread, Soda Bread, Cheese and Leek pie and blueberry batter pudding.
Then the children met their Viking visitor who read from a Viking poem, telling of the creation of Viking society. We had our very own God – Rig – who visited many different Viking houses and 9 moons later a new baby arrived to start the classes – Jarls, Karls and Thralls. They had most unusual names!
They were also able to handle Viking materials such as cloth, trade materials and weapons. Those who wanted to could try some non- alcoholic mead from a horn! It was a great day!
Another active day for our Barn Owls as they went to Gressenhall for a Stone Age living history day. They looked at stone age equipment including having a go at ploughing the fields with wooden ploughs!
They created shelters, working in groups to make a shelter from our weather! Aren’t we glad that we moved on to houses!
They also had a go at throwing spears to replicate hunting skills of the stone age.
Snowy Owls had a royal visitor as part of their history topic looking at kings and queens. Queen Victoria was very impressed and the children had a lovely day.
Sugar mice have been a tradition at Christmas since Victorian times. they often used to be made by Victorian children as a gift for their parents and were hung on the Christmas tree. The Snowy Owls certainly enjoyed having a go at making them.