The first half of the summer term is done! We got to enjoy a range of activities this week, many of them learning outside the classroom. Have a lovely half term break everyone!
Two teams from Eagle Owls represented the school in a very sunny Cricket Tournament at Eaton Park. The Year 5 mixed Team won their side of the competition – well done!
The first half of the summer term is done! We got to enjoy a range of activities this week, many of them learning outside the classroom. Have a lovely half term break everyone!
In Barn Owls we have read 3 stories connected to our Rainforest topic and we have also just started reading a fun class story that they are loving!
The first half of the summer term is done! We got to enjoy a range of activities this week, many of them learning outside the classroom. Have a lovely half term break everyone!
Snowy Owls had a great time at a beautiful local garden. We took part in geography fieldwork, art observational sketches and science investigations.
The first half of the summer term is done! We got to enjoy a range of activities this week, many of them learning outside the classroom. Have a lovely half term break everyone!
Owlets have been practising number formation and number bonds.
Eagle Owls enjoyed a morning of canoeing at Whitlingham. They all went on the water which was great! They even played games and had to stand up in the canoes, with one group allowed to jump in the water! A fun outdoor and adventurous activity day that is part of our PE curriculum.
We enjoyed the sun that eventually came out and had a run around before we had to go back to school.
In Barn Owls this week we have been using measurement skills with capacity and mass. On Friday they even did an ‘Escape Room’ style activity in maths!
They have been learning about deforestation in the rainforest topic and made posters to show what they have learnt
Barn pupils also began to meet the Y2 children who will join Barn next year and found a buddy to do an activity together
In Snowy Owls this week we have been looking at the lifecycle of a butterfly and used pasta to create our stages!
In Owlets we planted cress this week and can’t wait to see it grow!
We are also learning our number bonds using part-whole method in maths
The Barn Owls have transformed part of the classroom into a rainforest for this half term’s topic.
They have been finding out what function stems have on plants. Using magnifying glasses they looked closely at the xylem and phloem. They also set up an experiment to find out what would happen to celery and white flowers when placed in coloured water.