WB 29 04 2024

On Wednesday the school had a Day of Calm. Barn practiced different breathing exercises and learned about Tai Chi movements.

The Barn Owls have finished their Aboriginal Dot Art paintings and they are all very proud of them. Their designs include native Australian animals and Dreamtime journeys through the Australian outback.

WB 29 04 2024

Snowy Owls have created some lovely sea creature collages! They also took the Learning outside to be physically active while searching for different habitats in our school environment.

On Wednesday the school had a Day of Calm. Snowys practiced different breathing exercises and learned about some Tai Chi movements.

WB 29 04 2024

Some children continued with Little Riders. They are improving each week!

On Wednesday the school had a Day of Calm. Owlets practiced different breathing exercises and learned about Mindfulness Rainbow Relaxation 🌈

On Thursday Owlets took part in Multi Skills at Easton College. It was so much fun!

WB 22 04 2024

Eagle owls completed a joint project on the different climate zones and the flora and fauna they contain.

WB 22 04 2024

As part of their Tudor topic, the Barn Owls have learnt all about what King Henry VIII was like. They definitely would not have wanted to get on the wrong side of him!


WB 22 04 2024

Snowy Owls have finished their stained glass porthole artwork this week! They learnt about silhouettes and used tissue paper to create this effect!

WB 22 04 2024

Some of Owlets took part in Little Riders. They had to balance on their bike and move it along with their feet!

Our topic is Amazing Africa. We talked about the different weathers you might find there and painted hot and cold pictures.

In mathematics Owlets have been learning about numbers beyond 20. We played some games to help us remember them.

15 04 2024

Welcome back everyone! Hope you all had a lovely Easter break – especially the Eagle Owls who deserved a well earned rest after their week away.
There was no rest in the first week back though: Eagle Owls performed on stage in front of an audience of about 300 and were fabulous 🩷 when they went to the SUPERSTARS Dance Show.

15 04 2024

Welcome back everyone! Hope you all had a lovely Easter break.
The Barn Owls are very lucky to be having whole class music lessons with an external music teacher. This week they all started playing the ukulele. Barn Owls learnt about the War of the Roses as an introduction to their new topic about the Tudors. They then made Tudor Roses.

The Barn Owls had an Easter Challenge to design a road trip around North or South America. The The Barn Owls had a The posters they made are amazing (and very large!!!).