WB 13 05 2024

It’s been SATS week for our Year 6 and we’ve had Governors and Moderators in to check on our practice – pleased to say they were happy with what they saw. It’s also May Fair weekend- have a lovely time if you are able to make it. Thank you for all the hard work from the Friends, it’s an amazing event and raises fabulous money for our school.

Eagle Owls are learning new skills for Ultimate Frisbee.

WB 13 05 2024

It’s been SATS week for our Year 6 and we’ve had Governors and Moderators in to check on our practice – pleased to say they were happy with what they saw. It’s also May Fair weekend- have a lovely time if you are able to make it. Thank you for all the hard work from the Friends, it’s an amazing event and raises fabulous money for our school.

Barn Owls wrote their own ‘Magic Box’ poems. Their finished poems have made a magical display!

WB 13 05 2024

It’s been SATS week for our Year 6 and we’ve had Governors and Moderators in to check on our practice – pleased to say they were happy with what they saw. It’s also May Fair weekend- have a lovely time if you are able to make it. Thank you for all the hard work from the Friends, it’s an amazing event and raises fabulous money for our school.

Y1 have been learning how to divide/share things into quarters.

Snowy Owls have finished their sea creature collages this week and are very proud of them! Aren’t they great!


WB 13 05 2024

It’s been SATS week for our Year 6 and we’ve had Governors and Moderators in to check on our practice – pleased to say they were happy with what they saw. It’s also May Fair weekend- have a lovely time if you are able to make it. Thank you for all the hard work from the Friends, it’s an amazing event and raises fabulous money for our school.

Owlets create some brilliant posters this week! 🤩

06 05 2024

Eagle Owls are about to undertake their KS2 SATs next week. We wish them luck.

06 05 2024

On Wednesday, the Barn Owls visited Strangers’ Hall to enhance their learning about the Tudors. They had a great day learning about the ‘Strangers’ that came to Norwich in the sixteenth century. They took part in lots of activities; weaving, looking at documents, writing with a quill and ink, trying on Tudor hats, exploring artefacts in the Great Hall, and discovering what it was like for a refugee coming to Norwich.

06 05 2024

Snowy Owls have been practising their drawing skills and paying attention to the details on sea creatures.

06 05 2024

Owlets PE skills continue with hand eye coordination and target practice.

WB 29 04 2024

Eagle Owls also did the Day of calm to give strategies for calming anxieties or worries – Year 6 have a lot of changes ahead to cope with.

In Science Eagle Owls are using microscopes to look in great detail at living things. Can you spot what they are?

We use a range of fabulous resources from the Teacher Scientist Network arranged by Mrs Bushell each term.

In Art and DT Eagle Owls are creating a design to go on their own t-shirts, including tie- dye and fabric painting.