WB 10 06 2024

In another disappointing weather week where we had to cancel our sports day, we said farewell to the ducklings. The rate of growth has been incredible!

Owlets have enjoyed the ducklings this term. They’ve learnt so much and have witnessed their incredible rate of growth! They have learnt how to be gentle; how important noise level is with small animals; hygiene after handling pets and so much more. How wonderful nature is 🐤🩷

WB 03 06 2024

Eagle Owls continue with the design of their T-shirts. We look forward to seeing the actual shirt completed!

WB 03 06 2024

This week the Barn Owls started their music lessons with Karl that are focusing on Samba music. This week they learnt how to keep a Samba beat using percussion instruments.

On Wednesday, Year 2 and Year 3 enjoyed a morning at Eaton Park taking part in a Tennis Festival organised through the SSP. They had a fun morning learning a variety of skills that are important for playing tennis.

WB 03 06 2024

Year 1 have been learning how to partition numbers up to 100 using bead strings. They have been counting in 10s and 1s to show a number.
Snowy Owls have also used clay to make their own sea creatures!

On Wednesday, Year 2 and Year 3 enjoyed a morning at Eaton Park taking part in a Tennis Festival organised through the SSP. They had a fun morning learning a variety of skills that are important for playing tennis.

WB 03 06 2024

What an exciting week for the Owlets! Their very own Springwatch with some duck eggs! Would they hatch? What colour would they be? Success- and how cute are they! 🩷

WB 20 05 2024

Following a fabulous May Fair at the weekend, we end the half term with some fun activities. Thank you to the Friends of LMPS for another successful fair and for all your hard work setting it up and running it!! You’re all fantastic 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Enjoy half term everyone ☀️
Eagle Owls has a very sporty week. 2 teams of mixed Year 5 & 6 went to a cricket tournament on Monday. Luckily the weather was chilly but dry!!

Then our Year 6 girls played day 2 of the Netball tournament at CAN and won both their matches. Well done 👏🏻👏🏻

WB 20 05 2024

Following a fabulous May Fair at the weekend, we end the half term with some fun activities. Thank you to the Friends of LMPS for another successful fair and for all your hard work setting it up and running it!! You’re all fantastic 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Enjoy half term everyone ☀️
As part of their work about the Tudors, the Barn Owls have learnt about clothes and houses. They enjoyed designing outfits for rich and poor people and making model houses.

WB 20 05 2024

Following a fabulous May Fair at the weekend, we end the half term with some fun activities. Thank you to the Friends of LMPS for another successful fair and for all your hard work setting it up and running it!! You’re all fantastic 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Enjoy half term everyone ☀️
Snowy Owls used their knowledge of floating and sinking to build a boat for a Lego character. Their challenge was to keep the Lego person dry for 1 minute!

WB 20 05 2024

Following a fabulous May Fair at the weekend, we end the half term with some fun activities. Thank you to the Friends of LMPS for another successful fair and for all your hard work setting it up and running it!! You’re all fantastic 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Enjoy half term everyone ☀️

Owlets have continued to explore their topic, this week completing their Maasai necklaces and mud huts, as well as their Save our Wildlife posters.