WB 06 11 2023

Owlets had a visit from Laura who works for Cats Protection. We learned about the charity and how to look after our cats and other small pets! 🐈‍⬛ We have also been thinking about Remembrance and what it means. We made our own poppy to put up in class 🌺

WB 30 10 2023

Autumnal weather for our first week back! Owlets have been making spiders out of pipe cleaners!

They continue to work hard with letter formation and this week focused on number formation too.

Owlets had fun scooping out pumpkins ready for Mrs Martins to carve out a Halloween Face!

WB 16 10 2023

What a lovely end to the first half term – our Harvest Assembly. Thank you all so much for your donations and for braving the torrential rain to join us! Have a great half term.

Owlets have been reading The Scarecrow’s Wedding by Julia Donaldson and have made their own wooden spoon scarecrows!

They have also been practising their skills for life by buttering some bread and eating it afterwards. It is tricky when you first try to butter your own bread!

Owlets have completed some art work using food and the artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo for inspiration to make faces in unusual ways!

WB 09 10 2023

Time is flying and we are still enjoying great weather. In a week where our Y5/6 played in a mixed football tournament at the UEA, here is some of what the Owlets did!In maths we have been learning about big and small. We practiced our ball skills with different sized balls to see which was easier to catch.

In phonics we have been writing our letter sounds.

WB 02 10 2023

Owlets have been busy all week! We had a visit from Emma the Dental Nurse and Derek the Dinosaur. we learned about our teeth and how to take care of them. We made our own jigsaw puzzle, owl masks and a Mini Me! Now it’s the weekend we can have a rest!

WB 25 09 2023

Owlets have been sorting Compare Bears by size or colour and making a tower of cubes for a partner to copy.

On Friday the class had their first PE lesson. Great changing and a super lesson on finding a space!

WB 18 09 2023

Our term continues with the Owlets now staying all day and beginning to feel comfortabale in our school with the help of the Year 6 buddies.

Owlets have been writing the sounds they are learning – look how tricky it is to learn to write. We love the journey our children make as they develop.

They continue to build relationships, they are enjoying getting to know each other inside and in our outside area. They have also made their very own Owlet for display in the classroom.



WB 11 09 2023

Our first week back and we’ve all been busy. Owlets now have a Year 6 buddy and have been enjoying their free flow both inside and outside.

WB 17 07 2023

While the whole school enjoy the annual Den Day – in good weather – we reflect on another fantastic year at Little Melton.  We enjoyed the Leavers Performance on Wednesday evening and then Friday was a busy day- bidding a fond farewell to our lovely Year 6 pupils who have done us proud for 7 years, and celebrating the end of another year of learning for our youngsters. THANK YOU all for your wonderful gifts and well wishes, and we wish you all a fabulous summer break ❤️