WB 11 03 2024
We ended the week with another non uniform event, this time Red Nose Day. Owlets even made their own red noses!
We ended the week with another non uniform event, this time Red Nose Day. Owlets even made their own red noses!
Well what a great week! Our OUTSTANDING in all areas OFSTED report published, and our lovely pupils all enjoying World Book Day. Thank you so much for the wonderful outfits and fruit and veg characters! Once again they were excellent 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 we hope they all enjoy their WBD books that they took home.
We hope everyone enjoyed the half term break. First week back led to lots of different activities at school.
Owlets have started a new topic ‘Down on the Farm’ After drawing some farm animals, we labelled our pictures.
In mathematics Owlets have been representing numbers to 10 in different ways.
A BIG thank you to our parents for completing the OFTSED questionnaire – yes we had a visit this week! From Owlets to Eagle the pupils were fab and conducted themselves brilliantly as the Inspectors viewed our school. Well done to all, now we wait for our results🤞🏼😊
We made lanterns for Chinese New Year. 2024 is the year of the Dragon 🐉 After reading The Great Race, we had some races outside to practice our ordinal numbers.
Owlets were born in the ‘Year of the Dog’ 🐶 and the ‘Year of the Pig’ 🐷
This week Owlets celebrated Valentine’s Day by making heart decorations. 🩷
As we head towards the end of this half term, we finished with a non-uniform Express Yourself day.
Owlets finished off their Superhero topic by designing and making their own felt mask.
In phonics we have been writing longer words.
Owlets wore non uniform on Friday for Express Yourself Day! 😊
Owlets imagined what it might be like to walk through the woods or a forest in the snow. They painted winter pictures.
In maths, Owlets have been learning about number sentences. They made their own addition sums.
In phonics we have been writing words with double letters in.
Owlets made mini Superheroes of themselves! They carefully chose the colours that they wanted to represent their superhero.
In PE, Owlets practised catching and throwing beanbags at a target.
Owlets made superhero cuffs which give them special powers!
The new year has begun with many different activities going on around the school.
Owlets spring topic is Superheroes. We made Superhero cities out of different construction and small world toys.