WB 02 05 2023

Pupils were excited about the upcoming King Charles III coronation and on Friday the whole school had a variety of activities around the event and then we all got together in the hall and celebrated with a cupcake and drink followed by some colouring.

WB 24 04 2023

This week in Eagle Owls the pupils are working towards making their own mosaic tile patterns and are researching different mosaics and different textures for them.

They are also looking at plants in Science and have dissected a flower to label and learn about all the features of a plant.

WB 17 04 2023

Welcome Back! We hope that you all had a lovely Easter break and are ready for the summer term!

Eagle Owls have also begun a new project in geography where they are researching our changing environment – this week looking at physical weathering on the environment. This is one of the pupils work, they are presenting it using computing.

WB 27 03 2023

Spring Term is now complete! Well done everyone.

In Eagle Owls we made Easter cup cakes this week. We used up the left-over mincemeat we made at Christmas to create some Easter delights! Working cooperatively in groups, the pupils have to work independently and support each other with the different methods needed to create the cakes. They have to share the work and tidy up after themselves. We hope you enjoyed them!

WB 20 03 2023

Eagle Owls have begun their research into mosaics and are creating a page in their sketch books on what they find.

WB 13 03 2023

Eagle Owls have completed their Dragonology Book pages, after weeks of careful assembling using their pop-up skills and the writing that they have completed in English.

WB 06 03 2023

This week the whole school dressed up for Crazy Clothes Day ( a fund-raising initiative for the local Little Lifts  identified by Verity in Year 5). Verity is doing a variety of fund-raising events out of school and we are very proud of her – well done Verity, to be thinking of others in such a positive way – please see the Newsletter for a link with more information.

Eagle Owls are enjoying the space inspired texts that they are using in English and for cross curricular work. Two pupils took it upon themselves to produce a 3D version of our solar system with details of the distances between the planets – well done!

We are reading Cosmic by Frank Cottrell-Boyce and The Jamie Drake Equation by Christopher Edge.

WB 27 02 2023

We always enjoy World Book Day and this year was no different. Pupils and parents are fantastic at producing the most amazing costumes and vegetable characters! Well done and thank you!

Eagle Owls also returned to school for their Stargazing Evening – participating in a variety of activities such as using the telescopes, going into the Planetarium, making Star Jars and observing the phases of the moon. It was ended with some hot chocolate.

WB 20 02 2023

Eagle Owls had a wide range of Earth and Space activities  for their science this week. They worked in groups where they discussed what they know about Earth and Space and recorded their thoughts into their books at the start of this topic.

They are looking forward to a special Star-Gazing night next week, where they return to school once night has fallen and participate in a range of space activities including using telescopes and going into a Planetarium in the school hall. Fingers crossed for a clear sky!