As we finish the last week of the half term, here are some photos of the Barn Owls week! Bob Bones had a new look in Barn this week!
Barn Owls also learnt about Diwali in their RE lessons on the Hindu religion. They made Mandalas for the festival of light.
Some pupils finished their Stone Age axe heads made by carving soap, for their Stone Age project.
Barn Owls have completed their very effective Stone Henge paintings and they are on display in the classroom. You can see them if you are able to visit us on the open tray day on Wednesday 19th October!
They are into their Stone Age Topic and have had a go at Stone Age knapping (the shaping of flint with careful carving) – Barn Owls used soap to create their axe and arrow heads and very effective they are too!
Barn Owls have been learning how it is OK to make mistakes with a look at Flip that Flop!
They also continued learning the scientific names of the bones and made their own jointed skeletons.
Barn Owls welcomed a new member of the class – Bob Bones, the skeleton who enjoys keeping his head warm….
They have begun to look into their Topic of Stone Age and learnt how Stone Age dwellings looked from the inside
In Barn we have been learning the scientific names for the bones in our skeletons.
Barn Owls have been learning about our mindset and the Power of the word YET! They changed themselves into Superheroes to show that we all have the power of a growth mindset.
We held a very successful French Cafe in the hall, where children were serving each other and ordering in French, alongside those parents who were able to join us. There were French activities to do in classroom – using pointillism to create an Eiffel Tower as well as the older children looking at Asterix the cartoon character. It was a lovey morning – thank you to Mrs Hamilton for arranging and to Eagle and Barn for being so good at the language.
Barn Owls did some performance poetry in front of Snowy Owls just before we broke up for half term – here are some photos!
They also produced some Topic pages in their books, from last term on the Tudors as well as their new topics on Queen Victoria and Living things and their Habitats.